My Channel in TG / Year 2019

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频道内容来自博客的 Telegram 频道 Ynewtime Channel,分享所见、坦述己言。可惜中国大陆已无法正常使用 Telegram 服务,然憾则憾矣,局面虽僵,却是终会被打破的。诸看官不妨随便看看,若是携得只言片语,也堪可用罢。

June 8

[Forwarded from Durov’s Channel]

Those of you who follow my posts know that I’m a big believer in self-restraint. In the last 15 years, I’ve had no alcohol, no caffeine, no meat, no pills, and no fast food. Health-wise it brought good results: I only had a fever once in the last 15 years. Typically, I just don’t get ill.

A year ago I added more restrictions to my diet: no gluten, no dairy, no eggs, no fructose. I did it to achieve higher productivity and clarity of thought, as well as to train will power and self-discipline.

Another technique I employ to improve will power is swimming in ice-cold water every winter in Finland or Switzerland. If you ever faced the necessity to stay in a lake with a thin layer of ice on top for a few minutes, you are less likely to procrastinate when it comes to starting on a boring but necessary project.

In May I limited the foods I eat to fish and seafood only. In case you have daily access to fresh wild-caught fish, I can definitely recommend this diet for boosting productivity. Unlike farmed meat or the products of agriculture, which were introduced to our diet fairly recently (like 15,000 years ago), wild fish cooked on fire is something our ancestors evolved to consume throughout the last million of years. As humans required a daily source of water, they had to live near rivers and lakes, so a seagan diet makes much more sense to me than veganism or rawism from an evolutionary perspective.

This month I’m trying something more radical, with consuming no food at all. I’ve been on a water fast for the last 6 days and am feeling great so far. Since zero food consumption improves clarity of thought, I also got many things done on the product-management side.

Fasting is a great way to allow your digestive system to clean and reboot, and also to allow your immune system to work on other things than clearing the constantly incoming food. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors had to do with no food for prolonged periods of time, so our body is not only evolved for that, but is actually expecting us to give it a break in consumption at least once a year. That’s why most religions have a tradition of fasting – it’s healthy and necessary both for the body and the mind.

Obviously, I might lose some muscle mass as a result, but I believe that if I manage to come up with new great ideas for Telegram during the fast, it will be beneficial for all of the millions of Telegram users. And making the lives of our users more enjoyable has been and will be my number one priority.

May 11

谷歌推出了免费的在线 Python 编辑器服务

前阵子很火的李笑来开源 Python 学习教程,现在也可以通过这里直接查看了。

#python #github #google

May 9

This is definitely the most awesome site I’ve ever seen.

#webgl #realtime #threejs

April 21


学习的根本在于能够借助有限的知识去解决无限未知的问题,费曼技巧正在于此,步骤也尤为简单,两步而已,学习 + 解释,所谓“温故而知新,可以为师矣”,其实最有效的学习方式,早在初中的课本就有了答案。

#learn #method #awesome

April 19




Apr 15

2019年4月15日 巴黎圣母院大火

Apr 13

You-get / translate-shell 项目作者的博客


Apr 12

[Forwarded from 财经慢报]

【报告:Telegram 对其 TON 网络进行私人 beta 测试,测试人员称处理交易非常高速】

据俄罗斯媒体 Vedomosti 4 月 11 日报道,全球即时通讯应用 Telegram 已对其 Telegram Open Network (TON) 进行了私人 beta 测试。据报道,Telegram 已经向包括俄罗斯开发团队在内的少数全球开发者开放了 TON 区块链测试版的访问权限。据匿名人士称,开发团队能够设置 TON 区块链节点。虽然测试没有提供任何特定的结果,但是匿名测试人员透露,TON 区块链已经显示出 “极高的交易速度”。其中一名知情人士表示,具体指标无法提供,因为区块链的代码,包括智能合约,正在测试中。

Mar 12

Feb 28

刚刚 solidot 分享了 chrome 技术团队的二月更新,聊到他们正在探索一种新技术 bfcache,一种网页缓存方案,可以大幅提高已经浏览过的网页的加载速度。

这种技术的引入会使得高延迟网络环境下的浏览变得更为轻便,配合 PWA,现在从离线到低延迟网络环境的缓存方案都有了。

Feb 24

摩西在诗篇 90 篇里面说:我们经过的日子,都在你震怒之下;我们度尽的年岁,好像一声叹息。我们一生的年日是七十岁,若是强壮可到八十岁,但其中所矜夸的不过是劳苦愁烦,转眼成空,我们便如飞而去。

🔗 擦肩而过的我们,演奏着生命的交响

——《被嫌弃的松子的一生》 / 木鱼水心

Feb 18

科学上网越来越困难了,这两个月 vultr 和搬瓦工的节点不断被封,IPv6 的墙也越来越高,一旦现有的节点断掉,科学上网的教程网站也逐渐被封锁,翻墙的成本便愈加高昂。

Feb 12

[Forwarded from Solidot]


哥伦比亚大学法学教授吴修铭认为,美国在贸易谈判中应该在中国审查互联网这一问题上施压,因为互联网审查是一种贸易壁垒。他说,中国屏蔽或阻拦了几乎所有重要的外国互联网竞争对手,包括谷歌、Facebook、维基百科中文版、Pinterest、Line、Reddit 和《纽约时报》。中国长期以政治问题为由维护它的审查制度,称其为保护公民免受政府认为的“有害信息”侵害的合法尝试。但你无需是一名贸易理论家便可认识到,这种审查也是国际贸易中极其有效的壁垒。全球互联网经济至少规模达 8 万亿美元,并且在不断增长中,而特朗普政府却首要关注了制造、技术转让和农业,似乎没有在该议题上迫使对方让步。如果特朗普政府想要在贸易上对中国强硬,那么它应当要求对中国互联网市场的有意义准入,否则就拒绝中国公司进入美国市场。


Jan 29

According to, instant view is now ready to start and it’s two months for us to play. Nice, man!

第二次 Telegram 即时预览模板制作大赛即将于二月一号启动,在两个月的比赛时间内提交的模板有机会被 tg 官方收录,从此无痛快速预览,博客主们可以走一波了。你也可参加大型网站的即时预览模板制作,tg 会在比赛结束之后公开结果,被选中的话有机会获得赏金。

Jan 23

[Forwarded from Solidot]


匿名读者 写道 “前南方周末记者方可成在其微信公众号新闻实验室发表了名为《搜索引擎百度已死》的文章指出百度的搜索结果一半以上指向百度自家产品,尤其是百家号。 百度则做出说明声称百家号内容于搜索结果占比小于 10%。 讽刺的是原文发表于更加封闭的微信系统中,同样充斥假新闻,营销内容与医疗欺诈。显然不仅是搜索引擎百度已死,整个中文互联网早已四分五裂。

关于这条消息,我盲测了 10 个人名,看看百度相关的资讯在排名上有多贴近消息原文的情况,结果如下:

  1. 撒切尔(4/5)
  2. 斯大林(7/8)
  3. 丘吉尔(3/4)
  4. 林徽因(3/4)
  5. 邓小平(1/2)
  6. 奥巴马(4/5)
  7. 许嵩(5/6)
  8. 习近平(1/2 后面的结果几乎全是政府网站)
  9. 科比(7/8)
  10. 邓丽君(5/6)


盲测了十个的结果是:你每进行一次百度搜索,都有 80% 的概率看到的是百度自家的产品,而且是前 80%(这里只是测试了中文人名的情况,不具备普遍性)。当然,相比搜索结果 100% 由微信筛选和引流的微信公众号,这个数字已经是很良心的了(((此外,这次小测试还发现了一些相关的规律,仅供参考,比如,搜索结果前三条一般是百度百科、百家号 and 百家号,年代较为久远的更为如此,年代较近的则通常第二条是由百度筛选的新闻页;在中国官员的相关搜索结果中,除第一条几乎 100% 是百度百科外,接下去的结果几乎无一例外来自中国政府网站。

Jan 22

一如既往的 Telegram 文档风格。(P.S. 昨晚开始 Telegram 密集更新了 Android beta 版本,所以其实昨晚就可以用上类似于 download animation 的特性,早上终于月度官宣了。

Jan 17

[Forwarded from Durov’s Channel]

2018 was a great year for Telegram, but 2019 is going to be by far the most important one in our company’s history.

In 2018, more and more people discovered Telegram and switched to it from services run by ad-selling IT monopolies.

As a result, Telegram became one of the few messaging apps that are enjoying significant growth globally.

Building on the success of the last year, this year we are going to implement many long-awaited product changes you have been asking for.

2019 will be the time when feature-related wishes of our users come true.

从2018下半年 Telegram 客户端的更新来看,包括 Telegram Passport / Translation Platform 和主题图标大体切换到线标风格设计(除了本最应该升级的 X 版本)等,其实都只是对深度用户来说不痛不痒的功能点,而且一七年到一八年中旬一贯保持的每月副版本号(新增功能)更新的节奏在下半年明显放慢了,再回顾一下一八年初 Telegram 的私募计划和先前的 TON 白皮书,我们不难揣测,一九年(这一年) Telegram 很可能开始真正面向全民性的网络基础设施服务,迈出 Telegram Open Network 到 Open Network 的关键一步(很可能是 Telegram Wallet),继而向基于区块链的网络服务平台演进,为人们提供诸如 DNS、Proxy、Cloud 等优质网络服务。

Jan 10

[Forwarded from METO 的涂鸦板]

猛龙行动之绝密代码:vue 写的 todolist


Jan 03

💬👤 懒人在思考:

比特币正式运行十年了。十年前的今日我应该是站在国家某个首届安全大会上做 XSS/CSRF 蠕虫相关的议题分享;-) 那时我刚毕业不久… 已经搞定第一个国家相关科研项目。

