二语习得 (1/3)

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It’s easy to translate words, but it’s hard to translate meaning. 1

Language Acquisition

I have made some notes about the presentation Stephen Krashen gave on Language Acquisition. Here’s the post, and this is the presentation video:


Note / 演讲笔记

We aquire knowledge in only one way, this is the big moment, when we understand messages, that’s it. We’ve tried everything else, we’ve tried teaching grammar, we’ve tried having students memorizing vocabulary, we’ve had people memorized dialogues, sit in front of machines, next we tried electric shocks… We tried everything, but the only thing that works, the only thing that counts, is giving people messages they understand, what we now call ‘Comprehensible Input’. We acquire knowledge when we understand what people tell us, what is that, not how is that, but what is that. Notice that when we teach language today, we usually do the opposite. We give people a rule and then we have them practice the rule in production, and we tell them they got it right or wrong.

Does it work? / 我的理解

I picked up the words puzzling me the most and checked them out, murmuring to find the truth beneath them. And it’s only after I had the misunderstandings solved that I noted the articles faster than I ever imagined. I suppose this is what we called ‘Comprehensible Input’

在二语习得上有所践行的网站这方面,我可以举一个例子,日本的 marugoto.org 在教授外语学生日语的方式上就结合了二语习得的最新研究成果,这一点在他们官网的说明页里面也有提及:


marugoto在中高级的日语能力培养中就充分的调动了这一点,非常关注学生们在实际场景的会话,同时教学在后期也浓缩成场景示例和模仿演练,这种方法既有输入(理解,comprehensible input)也有输出(会话,コミュニケーション ),保证了学生在语法的练习和会话的过程中能够感受并察觉到(気づき・発見)真正的语言点。

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